Every now and then we are able to attend a clinic, show or seminar. In a possibly futile effort to retain information, copious notes are scrawled into various notebooks. These notes are (eventually) typed so that we can actually read this information in the future. We are happy to make these notes available on this website.
Please note, however, that in many cases the seminars have been held in a foreign language and translation 'on the fly' can at times be difficult. German, for example, has horse related terminology that we do not have in English - and trying to pick the correct word to get the correct 'meaning' can be tricky. Often, clinicians are also lecturing in a language that is not their own.
And, as is often the case, inaccuracies may occur due to faulty note-taking, memory, or understanding. Therefore, please understand that any 'mistakes' or 'deficiencies' are likely our own, and not those of the clinicians.